What's up, Clay?
I'm tired of doing the same thing every day.
What's up?和 What's happening?一樣,各位可以在遇到熟人時,用輕鬆的口氣說這句話,以代替How are you?。如果看到對方一臉不悅而想表示同情,便可以問他What's up?,此時就是 What's the matter?(到底怎麼了?)的意思。(What's up?究竟是表示 What's happening?還是What's the matter?,得視情況而定。)
Clay 在對話中是以I'm tired of~(對~厭倦、不耐煩)來 回答。表示「疲倦的」、「累的」的tired,後面加上of,就 成了「對~感到厭倦」的意思,也可以說成become tired of ~,或是 get tired of~。
You look tired, Joe. What's the matter?
I got tired of smoking.
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