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Life Episode 22: Winston's Book of Wizardry

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Life Episode 22: Winston's Book of Wizardry

1 Oktober 2019

If you are a Harry Potter fan, something tells me you'll enjoy this year's Halloween Special: Winston's Book of Wizardry. While Winston waited for his little sister to finish getting ready to go trick or treating, he did something he doesn't normally do - he cracked open a book. In a flash of light the book sucked him into it and sent him on an adventure through the magical world of Berry Cotter. Transformed into the hero of the story, Winston, or Berry Cotter as he's now known, must defeat Lord Walmort and save the students of Pigwarts. Winston's about to realize just how powerful reading really is! Big thank you to Kitty Felde of the Book Club for Kids Podcast and her friends for helping me tell this story! You can find Kitty's podcasts by visiting and Music - "Magical Glade" by Soul Candle and "The Alchemist Tower" by Brandon and Derek Fiechter


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