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Love Is Not Enough with couples therapist Shawn McBride

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Love Is Not Enough with couples therapist Shawn McBride

16 April 2024

Relationships are hard. No matter how much we like, respect, or love someone, conflict seems inevitable. But even as we fight and disagree, we can also learn the skills we need to resolve our problems. For over two decades, Shawn McBride has helped thousands of couples do the work to strengthen their relationships. And he has tons of practical advice. Shawn sat down with me to discuss the three biggest problems couples face, why I'm a huge fan of his Instagram, and how love can keep relationships afloat, but it's often not enough. A Bit of Optimism. For more on Shawn and his work, check out: @couples_counseling_center @shawnmcbridespeaks and


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