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Caregiver Program (PCAFC) Update with Holly Ferrell and Linda Kreter

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Caregiver Program (PCAFC) Update with Holly Ferrell and Linda Kreter

15 April 2022

Linda Kreter and WiseHealth for Women Radio speaks with guest Holly Ferrell, the Executive Director of Veteran-Warriors, a key veteran service organization (VSO). Caregivers are a vital part of care for injured military veterans (5.5MM out of 64MM caregivers nationwide. The special VA caregiver program (PCAFC) is taking a formal program Pause to evaluate certain key aspects of the program. We share facts of the Pause, dispel rumors or confusion, how to productively use this waiting period while waiting for a new Directive, and readying your family and veterans of ALL eras for the changes to come. Program updates will follow. Also on Spotify and iTunes. Helping People Thrive!


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