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#118 - Exploring Gene Keys with Nicole Rosalia Clare

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#118 - Exploring Gene Keys with Nicole Rosalia Clare

1 Oktober 2021

Do you feel you need to have a sense of inner liberation? One way is to be aware and live through the energetic blueprint that you are born with. In this episode, Nicole and I explore how we can understand ourselves deeper through esoteric modalities such as Human Design and Gene Keys.  -- 02:15 Who is Nicole? What is Human Design? 05:00 What is Gene Keys? 07:20 How can we know our Gene Keys? 16:00 Live reading  23:57 If you feel you are compromising 38:00 Where have you been comprising? What are the small steps to step into your power? -- You can connect with Nicole, an Intuitive Guide, here: Instagram: Divine Alignment session, readings & coaching: Soul Experiment Podcast: -- You can connect with me here: -- Do you want to monetize your podcast? I use: Use My Podmetrics Referral Code: MEDITATEWITHTSAMARA -- Thank you for supporting #PodcastMeditatewithTsamara, if you enjoyed this episode, please spend 10 seconds to share this episode with someone who will benefit. Namaste, Tsamara See for privacy and opt-out information.


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