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209 - I Never Promised You An Olive Garden (w/ Penn Badgley)

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209 - I Never Promised You An Olive Garden (w/ Penn Badgley)

4 Januari 2024

This week on Just Jack & Will, it’s all voiceovers and hangovers as Sean & Eric dip their bottomless breadsticks into 209, “I Never Promised You An Olive Garden.” They discuss picking a word for the year, school bullies, Elvis Costello, and the intricate timing and blocking of a farce sequence. Then, they welcome You and Gossip Girl actor Penn Badgley to discuss his first on-screen appearance ever, as Boy #1 in this very episode of Will & Grace! Why are you screaming at me? Have a question about Will & Grace, especially Season 2? We want to hear them! Email us at, call or text to 818-308-4012, maybe the guys will answer your question on the show! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free episodes.


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