Hijrah, Hijabs, Arranged Marriages, Are Dating & Makeup Haram? Ft. Firu Designer & Kumaila Hakimah
The Indah G Show
Firu got in an arranged marriage at age 23, and Mela used to be an ustadzah who wore the hijab and then later decided to take it off. Curious now, aren't you?
0:00 — Firu, Indah & Mela's reactions to Azzamine movie trailer
4:44 — Takdir vs. Consent & Agency, How does marriage in Islam work?
14:27 — Why did Firu want to be in an arranged marriage? What was that process like?
17:06 — Are arranged marriages still common? Is dating haram in Islam?
31:08 — Why did Firu’s and his now-wife reject each other at first?
35:20 — Why arranged marriages work, and analyzing divorce in the west vs. east
38:04 — Why did Firu get married young? Was it really by choice? Pros & cons of arranged marriages, Western dating vs. Eastern dating
45:17 — ‘Biro Jodoh’ and when arrange marriages DON’T work out
53:33 — Liberal Muslims vs. Conservative Muslims on arranged marriages, parents projecting what they want in your partners & 'Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran'
01:06:09 — Would you put your kids in an arranged marriage? What if they don’t want to get married? Reflections on life before marriage & kids vs. after, being unmarried in your 30s, and what is ‘Jatuh Cinta?’
01:16:26 — The Syar’i way of finding love in Islam & Hijrah for men vs. women
01:21:27 — Why Mela took off her hijab, debating hijab for pre-pubescent girls, and is it hot under there?
01:34:09 — The burden of taking off the hijab & the unfair expectations & standards placed on Muslim women
01:48:35 — (Closing) Why is love hard? Finding love after college, and why Indah actually really likes being single