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The Lady of The Dunes

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The Lady of The Dunes

5 Maret 2023

On July 26th, 1974, the body of a woman was found on Race Point Beach in Provincetown, Massachusetts. It was an extremely gruesome crime scene, and parts of the woman's body had been removed, possibly to prevent identification. This woman became known as The Lady of The Dunes as the authorities worked for years to try to identify her and solve her murder. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the case of The Lady of The Dunes. There were some leads over the years, and theories emerged as to the woman's identity. As advancements in DNA came about, those were used to try to identify the woman. It wasn't until 2022 that part of the mystery of The Lady of The Dunes was solved. She was officially identified as Ruth Marie Terry. With identification came very interesting leads into who her likely killer was. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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