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iOS 720: How We Prepare for a New iPhone - Cases, transferring data, & iPhone Upgrade Program

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iOS 720: How We Prepare for a New iPhone - Cases, transferring data, & iPhone Upgrade Program

19 September 2024

Get ready for your new iPhone with experienced advice from Mikah Sargent and Dan Moren! In this episode of iOS Today, they dive deep into the essential steps for a smooth transition to your latest portable Apple device. Learn about: Deciding when to upgrade and exploring Apple's iPhone Upgrade Program Choosing between cases and going caseless Backup strategies to ensure your data's safety The pros and cons of different transfer methods What to expect in the first week with your new iPhone Troubleshooting tips and when to contact Apple support Hosts: Mikah Sargent and Dan Moren Want access to the video version and exclusive features? Become a member of Club TWiT today! Club TWiT members can discuss this episode and leave feedback in the Club TWiT Discord. You can also contribute to iOS Today by sending an email to


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