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Elouise Cloete, Recovering Perfectionist and Top Event Planner with Linda Kreter

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Elouise Cloete, Recovering Perfectionist and Top Event Planner with Linda Kreter

26 Juli 2022

Linda Kreter and WiseHealth for Women Radio speaks with guest Elouise Cloete, the #1 Corporate Events Coach and Entrepreneur. Elouise hails from Johannesburg, South Africa, and though continents removed, the issues of creating, growing, and balancing a life with a business is similar and her story will bring recognition to many. A self-proclaimed “Recovering Perfectionist”, Elouise brings humor and candor to our discussion. The pandemic hit the hospitality and events industry particularly hard, and the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic business plans vary. But they also brought opportunity for self-awareness, resetting priorities, and the many set-backs (suppliers out of business, building a new team, and coordinating new ways) have made for a more robust and balanced life. You’ll love hearing her share the key elements of challenges-turned-opportunities! Helping Women Thrive


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