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Partnering with Jean Oelwang

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Partnering with Jean Oelwang

8 Maret 2022

Some of the most successful people in the world all have a secret power. It’s not their experience or technical expertise that matter most – it’s their partnerships.    As the President and founding CEO of Virgin Unite, Jean Oelwang has had a ringside seat to remarkable people and how they build deep business and personal relationships.   She has spent over 15 years working with some of the world's greatest partnerships as they learned to become better versions of themselves, and in doing so, multiplied their positive impact on the world.   In her new book Partnering, Jean illuminates the six core principles that weave through sixty of these extraordinary collaborations and shows how we can increase depth and meaning in our most important relationships.   This is…A Bit of Optimism.     For more on Jean and her work check out:


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