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20. How does local indie brands contribute in the blooming beauty market? | EN

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20. How does local indie brands contribute in the blooming beauty market? | EN

24 Februari 2023

In this podcast episode, Ratih P. Sari, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Base, shares her journey of co-founding a local indie beauty brand during an exciting time in the industry. Hosted by Prita Laksmita Anindya, Beauty Expert Lead at Worldpanel Division, Kantar Indonesia -  Dalam episode kali, kita kedatangan Ratih P.Sari selaku co-founder dan Chief Product Officer dari Base. Ia bercerita tentang perjalanannya menjadi co-founder dari salah satu merek produk kecantikan 'indie' di Indonesia. Dibawakan oleh Prita Laksmita Anindya, Beauty Expert Lead di Worldpanel Division, Kantar Indonesia


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