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Great Resources To Help You Study English By Yourself Ep 571

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Great Resources To Help You Study English By Yourself Ep 571

8 September 2022

Adept English Podcasts Explained In  this podcast, I’m going to talk about the Adept English podcasts. I  will explain why our lessons are so popular, why they help you so much  and why they are as random as they are! Lots of people all over  the world are busy learning to speak English with a goal of learning to  speak English fluently. Today I’m going to explain how and why our  English language podcast lessons can help you if you are one of those  people. ✔Lesson transcript: If you are learning  English as a foreign language, then you may know that there are many  online resources available, but the quality and consistency vary a lot.  You need great English lessons being produced reliably every week to  help you learn the language. That’s exactly what we do and have been  doing here at Adept English for years. Help us make more great English language learning content with a small donation


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