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Rahayu Saraswati Battles Against Sex Trafficking

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Rahayu Saraswati Battles Against Sex Trafficking

14 Mei 2022

TRIGGER WARNING This recording contains conversations on sensitive topics such as sexual assault, abuse, and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors and others.  Andy and Sheilla talk to Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, better known as Sara—an entrepreneur, an activist and a member of parliament in the Indonesian House of Representatives. In this episode, we discuss sex trafficking and modern slavery, and how Sara became a leading figure in the battle against trafficking in Indonesia as well as an advocate for its victims through her foundation Parinama Astha. We delve into Sara's knowledge on the trafficking industry and explore how trafficking has evolved as a global business, such as how people are entrapped by traffickers, and the difficulties of escaping modern slavery and reentering society.  More information about Sara or her foundation Parinaama Astha, please click on the links below: Parinama Astha Instagram Account Parinama Asta Website Sara's LinkedIn  Sara's Instagram Account


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