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Debbie Collier

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Debbie Collier

9 Oktober 2022

In September 2022, 59-year-old Debbie Collier disappeared. The police were able to track her rental van and found her remains pretty quickly. But, the scene was mysterious, and the authorities so far have been working hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss this bizarre and currently evolving case. Debbie was seen on surveillance footage at a store more than 70 miles away from her home. The authorities discovered a mysterious Venmo transaction from Debbie to her daughter Amanda that included an extremely cryptic message. Police have ruled out suicide and have said publicly that there is no serial killer involvement. Some members of Debbie's family have come under scrutiny online. This is a case that needs to be monitored closely to find out what police know as additional details are revealed. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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