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Poop Party: Answers to your poo questions

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Poop Party: Answers to your poo questions

12 Agustus 2020

Warning! This episode is all about the fascinating and gross world of doo doo. We know you have a lot of poo questions because you’ve sent many, many of them to us. So we’re finally bringing you the poo answers! It’s a poop party! We’ve invited scientists to tell us about weird animal feces. (It’s true! Wombats have cube-shaped poop!) We tune into a news channel all about dookie (see the Bristol Stool Chart here: We hear from our favorite “poo-tuber” Taylor the Turd about how some poops are helping fight serious illnesses. (Remember Taylor? Here’s her first appearance: Plus, a sorta stinky Mystery Sound and a Moment of Um answering a question: why is pee yellow? This episode is sponsored by KiwiCo ( and Laurel Springs ( Fill out a quick survey to tell us more about yourself:


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