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Life Episode 26: A Merry Little Christmas featuring Mr. Eric of What If World

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Life Episode 26: A Merry Little Christmas featuring Mr. Eric of What If World

7 Desember 2020

In a truly unique holiday special, Greg Webb and Mr. Eric from What If World team up to tell this fun tale of the Little Family. The Littles are a family of tiny people that live in a burrow under the Dawson's pine tree. Christmas is looking bleak this year as a snooty cat named Snowflake moves in and fog threatens to hide the town from Santa. Will the Littles be able to save Christmas? Find out in "A Merry Little Christmas". This story ties in directly to Mr. Eric's What Ifmas special on the What If World podcast, so be sure to head on over to What If World to hear what happens next to Snowflake. Click here to listen:


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