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Mythological Stories In English

Mythological Stories In English


Hello and Welcome to Mysticadii. We are glad to see that you have taken the time to stop by and know more about us. Mysticadii is a brainchild of our founder Mrs. Aditi Das. Being spiritually inclined she wanted to share the same with the whole world. We aim to bring back the magical stories about Gods and Goddesses of this world for our modern mystics. Anyone who is seeking for spiritual contentment and is curious to know more about the knowledge and wisdom shared through our ancient scriptures and texts, Mysticadii is the right place for him/her. We aim to empower our modern mystics by sharing ancient wisdom through several short stories and folklore. Mystics from across the world have time and again showed us a very different reality and their perception of this world. Several ancient scriptures and texts have been written to provide ideological guidance to humans. However, most of the knowledge has been lost somewhere. Considering modern times people hardly get time to go through these elaborate scripts. These scriptures are nothing less than a fortune hidden in some ancient cave. Sooner we have access to this knowledge, the better we are equipped to lead our lives here on this planet. Our mission is to empower people with this lost treasure through short stories on various spiritual and metaphysical topics. Follow us on Download our iOS/Android app now! (

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S3 Ep2: Gayatri Mantra

S3 Ep2: Gayatri Mantra

Mythological Stories In English

The Gayatri Mantra is a Hindu hymn dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya. It is considered one of the most powerful and sacred mantras in Hinduism. The mantra is typically recited in the morning and evening by Hindus, and is also recited during religious ceremonies and rituals. The mantra is as follows: "Om bhoor bhuvah svah - Tat savitur varenyam - Bhargo devasya dhimahi - Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat" It roughly translates to "We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He enlighten our intellect." Here are a few steps you can take to incorporate the Gayatri Mantra into your daily practice: Set aside a specific time of day to recite the mantra. Many Hindus recite the mantra in the morning and evening, but you can choose any time that works for you. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit and focus on the mantra without distractions. Sit in a comfortable and upright position, with your back straight and your eyes closed. Begin reciting the mantra slowly and clearly, focusing on the meaning and spiritual significance of the words. Repeat the mantra 108 times, using a mala (a strand of 108 beads) or counting with your fingers. As you recite the mantra, try to let go of any distracting thoughts and focus your mind on the words of the mantra and its spiritual significance. After completing the 108 recitations, take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on your experience before continuing with your day. It's important to note that the mantras are believed to be powerful and should be treated with respect, it is said that a teacher or Guru should be the one who should initiate a person into the recitation of mantras. Follow us on Download Our App

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S3 Ep1: Mantras

S3 Ep1: Mantras

Mythological Stories In English

A mantra is a word or phrase that is repeated as a form of meditation and concentration. It is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation." Mantras can be in any language, but are often in Sanskrit, a sacred language of Hinduism and Buddhism. They are used as a tool for spiritual development and to invoke the blessings of deities, spiritual teachers, or specific qualities such as compassion or wisdom. In Hinduism and Buddhism, mantras are typically used in conjunction with other practices such as yoga, meditation, and puja (worship). They can be recited silently or out loud, and they can be repeated a specific number of times or as many times as desired. Mantras can be used for a variety of purposes such as purifying the mind, gaining spiritual insight, and achieving a sense of inner peace. They are also believed to have a powerful vibrational energy that can affect the mind and body in positive ways. Mantras can be divided into three categories: Vedic Mantras: These are the oldest mantras and are found in the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. They are used for ritual and spiritual purposes. Tantric Mantras: These mantras are used in tantra, a form of spiritual practice that seeks to elevate the individual to a higher level of consciousness. Buddhist Mantras: These are used in Buddhism and are often associated with specific deities or concepts such as compassion or wisdom. It's important to note that reciting a mantra without understanding its meaning or without proper guidance from a qualified teacher, may not yield the desired results.

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S2 Ep14: Ganesha - God of New Beginnings

S2 Ep14: Ganesha - God of New Beginnings

Mythological Stories In English

→ English Ganesha - God of New Beginnings, Success and Wisdom There are several stories in regards to his birth. In one of the stories he is born from Shiva and Parvati in a forest. Parvati was elated after her son's birth. She invited all the Gods to come and see the child's face but forgot to call Lord Shani. That is why Shani's evil eye fell on him and his head was burnt. This is when Lord Shiva replaces his head with an elephant head. In the second story Shiva and Pravati visit a forest and happen to see an elephant couple joyfully playing with each other. Lord Shiva and Parvati also take forms of elephant and decide to stay in the forest for a while. During their stay in the forest Lord Ganesh is born. This story is the most popular story about Ganesha's birth. Once Goddess Parvati and her friends Jaya and Vijaya were bathing in her apartment. Parvati had asked Nandi to stand outside the house and guard it. She told him not to allow anyone to enter until they finished bathing. However Shiva came unexpectedly at the door. Poor Nandi requested Shiva not to enter the house but Shiva did not listen. He entered the house. Parvati was furious after that. She wanted a personal guard now who will not let anyone enter the house without her permission not even Shiva. This is when she created Ganesha out of the dirt she rubbed off during her bath. She created a very handsome boy and gasped in joy looking at her son. Ganesha asked what shall he do for his mother. Parvati asked him to be a guard and stand at the entrance. She told him not to allow anyone. Shiva again turned up unexpectedly and wanted to enter the house. Lord Ganesha didn't let him. Shiva did not know then that he was created by Parvati and thought him to be some random person. Lord Ganesh also didn't know that Shiva was Parvati's husband. He did not allow Shiva to enter the house. Shiva turned angry and the fire from his third eye burnt Ganesha's head. When Parvati saw this she turned furious. Her rage and anger started burning the whole Universe. To calm her down and restore balance in the Universe Lord Shiva makes Ganesha alive again by replacing his head with an elephant's head. Lord Shiva was guilty and apologized for his anger. He then declared Ganesha as the chief of all Gods. He announced that all the worship and rituals should only begin by praying to Lord Ganesha first. Only after worshipping him the prayers would reach other Gods. Ganesha is also known as the God of intellect. Once Ganesha and Kartikeyan argued who will marry first. This is when their parents Shiva and Parvati decided to conduct a competition among them. They told both of them that whoever goes around the entire world and reaches Kailasha first will be the first one to marry. Lord Kartikeyan immediately left Kailasha with the aim of covering the Universe first. However Lord Ganesha just circled his parents 7 times and said he has won the race. When Parvati and Shiva asked he said that it was written in Shastras that circling your parents 7 times is as good as moving through the whole world. Lord Shiva was impressed with his intellect and he won the race. Hence he was married to two beautiful sisters Buddhi (embodiment of Wisdom and intellect) and Siddhi (Embodiment of spiritual growth and success). He later had two sons from them Kshema (prosperity) from Siddhi and Labha (Fortune) from Buddhi.

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S2 Ep13: Krishna - Supreme God and God of Love

S2 Ep13: Krishna - Supreme God and God of Love

Mythological Stories In English

Lord Krishna is considered to be the most important avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is the 8th incarnation of Vishnu who lived on Earth during the bronze age (Dwapar Yuga). Lord Krishna was born in the kingdom of Mathura. He was the son of princess Devaki and Vasudeva. Devaki's brother Kansa was the king of Mathura and he was an evil man. Kansa had been warned that his death was written in the hands of Devaki's 8th son. Kansa was a brutal and evil king and hence decided to slain Devaki's children. He killed all the 7 babies born before Krishna. He prisoned Devaki and Vasudeva as well so that they don't escape and all their children are killed in front of them  However when Krishna was born his father Vasudeva somehow managed to escape from the prison. He along with baby Krishna then visits Gokul. He then meets his friend Nanda. Nanda agrees to adopt Krishna. Nanda was the leader of cowherds and was married to Yashoda. Yashoda and Nanda became his foster parents and he grew up in the pastoral community. Subhadra and Balrama were his siblings. As a child, Krishna was very notorious. He would steal milk and butter and play pranks on everyone. Right from childhood, he was adored by everyone  especially womenfolk. Even at a tender age, he killed many demons. He killed the demoness Putana by sucking onto her breast. He also killed demon serpent Kalia. Krisha was known for miraculous activities right from his childhood. People knew that he was no ordinary human. Once Indra was angry at Krishna and the people of Vrindavan for not worshipping him. He decided to teach them a lesson by flooding the city of Vrindavan. The whole town was devastated by the flood. This is when Krishna came forward and lifted the hills of Gowardhan to provide shelter to the villagers. He held the mountain on his left hand as an umbrella and protected the villagers from the flood. At the age of 11, Krishna visited Mathura and killed his demon uncle Kansa. He then freed his real parents and handed over the kingdom of Mathura to its real king Ugrasen (Krishna's grandfather). During Krishna's adolescence, he was always surrounded by gopis who would sing and dance for him. Krishna was always shown playing his flute. During this time he met his eternal lover Radha. Radha and Krishna together mark the epitome of love. It is said that Radha was so dear to Krishna that he considered her to be his soul. Even today they are always worshipped together. Their relation defines the relation of a soul with the Supreme soul metamorphically. However, the relation did not end in marriage. Although there are many reasons associated with their separation their love story is the most sacred and divine association in Hindu philosophy. After killing hi uncle Kansa, Krishna met his real parents Devaki and Vasudeva. He and Balarama were welcomed in the royal family and they started their schooling as princes of the Yadu dynasty. Krishna was also a cousin brother to the Pandavas of Kuru dynasty as his father Vasudeva was the brother of queen Kunti. During this period Krishna became good friends with his cousin brothers the Pandavas and was especially close to Arjuna. After slaying Kansa, the kingdom of Mathura was in danger as Jarasandha (Kansa's father in law) along with Kalyavan (another powerful demon king) decided to ruin and destroy the entire city of Mathura. After several repeated attacks from them, Lord Krishna constructed the kingdom of Dwarka in the middle o

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