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荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY

荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY


由荼公子aka奶茶傳教士主持的節目系列,身為飲品研發師撰寫《奶茶風味學》後,認為萬物皆可入茶。從各國茶葉的歷史與文化的主題,錄製包括線上課程、跨界語談的職業者的生活記錄,帶你跟著茶師了解飲料研發、茶葉界工作者的日常。 邀約、合作 : 部落格看這 Powered by Firstory Hosting

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S4E26《茶流生活學》是勸退還是歡迎? 10種 加入茶產業的原因 ft. 吳豫

S4E26《茶流生活學》是勸退還是歡迎? 10種 加入茶產業的原因 ft. 吳豫

荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY

勸退還是歡迎? 荼公子韓奕和吳豫分享加入茶產業前的真實挑戰與機會 原本要聊的主題👀 1、若家裡沒有茶的根基,但讓我們願意投入茶產業的「十個」理由。 2、為什麼主題是茶,而不是咖啡,或是其他的主題,還有是什麼茶? 3、最初衷引起你有興趣,是茶與茶文化的哪一個點?而你認為這個也是想要讓別人知道的有趣玩意。 4、不做茶的話你會想做什麼? 5、說出你的十個理由想進茶產業?台灣茶產業,應該包括什麼?還可做什麼 ▋重點段落 00:32 吳豫加入茶產業的原因,你絕對想不到 02:07 韓奕創業歷程 04:05 認識的第一支茶 05:05 如何看待茶產業 05:39 茶產業一條龍是好還是壞? 10:12 要不要讓小孩學茶? 11:04 貓貓茶會 12:59 非得近來茶產業的理由 13:58 為什麼不加入茶聯? 17:27 開課不是為了賺錢 19:25 進入茶產業的初衷 24:01 給想創業的大家一句話 25:24 歡迎訂閱、按讚、分享~~~ (備註:歡迎開啟CC字幕,本影片字幕由OpenAI所支援,如有錯字請見諒) #茶 #創業 #茶產業 #tea ______________________ ▋成為Youtube專屬會員 喜歡我們的影片,願意小額資助我們持續創作的,歡迎加入我們,並享有會員專屬福利 ▋訂閱荼公子Youtube頻道 ▋合作邀約 ▋其他平台 荼公子Facebook: 荼公子Instagram: 荼公子官方網站: 奶茶控LINE交流群: 荼公子 Han-Yi 韓奕LINE官方帳號(課程及優惠): ▋來賓 吳豫 ▋影音製作 丹非映像制作 Powered by Firstory Hosting

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S4E25《茶流生活學》侍茶師 vs.品茶師,餐茶搭配的極致玩法.茶佐餐 ft. Jane

S4E25《茶流生活學》侍茶師 vs.品茶師,餐茶搭配的極致玩法.茶佐餐 ft. Jane

荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY

S4E25《茶流生活學》侍茶師,餐茶搭配的極致 ft. Jane 我們邀請到了專業侍茶師Jane,帶你深入了解侍茶師的日常工作,以及如何巧妙地將茶與餐點進行搭配。從選茶到搭配法式餐點,再到如何選擇適合不同食材的茶品,Jane分享了她的經驗與搭配技巧。無論是配冷泡茶的前菜,還是與烘焙茶搭配的主菜,茶的選擇不僅僅是飲品,更是餐飲體驗的核心之一。 ▋重點段落 01:14 侍茶師是什麼? 01:47 為什麼會想當侍茶師? 02:50 侍茶師在法餐的日常 03:34 餐茶搭配有什麼訣竅? 05:09 以侍茶師角度來看,有什麼茶比較難做搭配? 07:15 通常tea pairing會有幾款茶? 07:58 侍茶師除了待在吧檯區,還要做哪些事? 10:45 tea pairing 怎麼品嚐? 13:45 有沒有推薦的餐茶搭配? 16:44 歡迎訂閱、按讚、分享~ #侍茶師 #餐茶搭配 #tea #finedining #TeaPairing #TeaSommelier ______________________ ▋成為Youtube專屬會員 喜歡我們的影片,願意小額資助我們持續創作的,歡迎加入我們,並享有會員專屬福利 ▋訂閱荼公子Youtube頻道 ▋合作邀約 ▋其他平台 荼公子Facebook: 荼公子Instagram: 荼公子官方網站: 奶茶控LINE交流群: 荼公子 Han-Yi 韓奕LINE官方帳號(課程及優惠): ______________________ ▋來賓 Jane ▋影音製作 丹非映像制作 延伸閱讀: 鍋煮奶茶 紅烏龍 Red Oolong BOP 野貓伯爵茶 CAT Earl Grey 早餐茶怎麼泡?555黃金法則輕鬆泡好早餐茶,鮮奶茶也可以很有氣氛! how to brew Breakfast Tea 烘焙的藝術!茶葉、咖啡都有「烘焙」不過差別在哪 《奶茶風味學》從認識產區風土到如何挑選茶、奶、水、糖 (作者書買起來) 這是一本由麗采蝶茶館、荼公子將跨世代的奶茶知識大成的書,除了分享遊歷世界各地、品飲奶茶的趣聞外,我們不譁眾取巧,期望引導讀者徜徉在奶茶多樣化風貌裡。茶與奶的美好相遇,茶葉、水、奶、糖,解析奶茶的四大風味元素,解構杯中迷人滋味,在家調製出一杯層層綻放韻味的獨特精品奶茶,讓奶茶融入日常生活中。 "【認識茶包學】300種茶包去旅行.世界茶包大賞 | 最推薦的茶包排行榜!帶你認識世界" 食物是品味人生的一種方式,茶飲是我選擇認出世界不同輪廓的管道,很慶幸我將茶當作認識世界的窗口。所以我也想帶你,一同閱讀世界... 邀約、合作、茶會舉辦 《講堂課程》鍋煮奶茶實體課 LINE私聊聊 歡迎來信 部落格官方網站 授課對象: 過去想學茶卻一無所獲的人 在公司上班卻找不到快樂的員工 找不到靈感的創作者 對前途茫然的大學生 自認想開飲料店、甜點店、茶館卻一竅不通的人 單純想學泡好茶的你 課程難度:★★★★★ 課程時間:2-3個小時(因現場狀況而定) 課程目標: 目標1 使用鍋子烹煮鮮奶茶融入生活 目標2 做出獨一無二的配方 目標3 學會不同元素的組合法,品茶品生活 課程中將有茶師逐步引領,以講述並搭配奶茶調配品飲的方式互動學習。課程結束後,將能自在、自信的將課程中所習得的知識應用在日常生活之中。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting

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S5E20. Choosing the Best Plant-Based Milk for Your Tea

S5E20. Choosing the Best Plant-Based Milk for Your Tea

荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY

choosing plant-based milk, best plant milk for tea, oat milk tea, soy milk tea, almond milk, coconut milk, pistachio milk, dairy-free milk, vegan tea options, milk tea with plant-based milk, plant-based milk nutrition, plant milk benefits, plant milk for coffee, plant milk comparisons, eco-friendly milk options In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we break down the different types of plant-based milk (or MYLK) and how to choose the best one for your tea or coffee. From soy milk to oat milk, and even exotic options like pistachioand coconut milk, we’ll explore the benefits, flavors, and ideal pairings for your favorite teas. Whether you’re looking for a dairy-free alternative or simply want to try something new, this episode will guide you through the process of selecting the right MYLK. Read more on our website: Key Highlights: Types of Plant-Based Milk: Explore various options like almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, and oat milk, each with unique characteristics and benefits. Nutritional Comparisons: We’ll break down the nutritional content of each MYLK type, from low-fat almond milk to protein-rich soy milk, and how they fit into a healthy lifestyle. Best MYLK for Tea: Learn which plant-based milk complements different teas, from green teas to oolong, and why oat milk is often the top choice for milk tea. Cooking and Brewing Tips: Discover how to adjust your recipes for the perfect plant-based milk tea, including using higher amounts of MYLK and managing temperatures for optimal flavor. ▋Become a YouTube Member Love our content? Support us with a small contribution and enjoy exclusive member benefits! Join here ▋Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Never miss an episode! Subscribe to the Han-Yi Tea channel for more tea insights. Subscribe here ▋Business Inquiries Interested in collaborations? Contact us at: ▋Follow Us on Other Platforms Facebook: Han-Yi Tea Facebook Instagram: Cha.Cha.Du Instagram Official Website: Han-Yi Tea Official Website Milk Tea Enthusiasts Line Group: Join Here Support this show with a small donation: Donate here Leave a comment and share your thoughts on this episode: Comment here Powered by Firstory Hosting

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S5E19. Exploring Plant-Based Milk: A Guide to MYLK Options (TOP10)

S5E19. Exploring Plant-Based Milk: A Guide to MYLK Options (TOP10)

荼公子的世界茶葉大賞!Let's have a TEA PARTY

plant-based milk, MYLK, oat milk, almond milk, plant milk brands, barista plant milk, plant-based tea, oat milk tea, almond milk tea, plant milk health benefits, vegan milk options, low-calorie milk alternatives, eco-friendly milk, sustainable plant milk, coffee and tea with MYLK In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the world of plant-based milk, or MYLK, and the growing trend of using alternative milk options in tea and coffee. From oat milk to almond milk, we review 10 popular plant-based milk brands and discuss their unique benefits. Learn how to choose the right MYLK based on flavor, nutrition, and sustainability, and discover how plant-based milk is reshaping the beverage industry. Read more on our website: Key Highlights: Top 10 Plant-Based Milk Brands: Discover our curated list of the best plant-based milk brands, including Califia Farm, Alpro, and Blue Diamond. Nutritional Benefits: Learn about the health benefits of different MYLK types, from low-calorie almond milk to fiber-rich oat milk. Flavor and Pairing: Understand how plant-based milk pairs with tea and coffee, and which flavors, like barista oat milk, work best for milk teas. Sustainability Considerations: Explore how to make eco-friendly choices when selecting MYLK, and the impact of sourcing practices on the environment. ▋Become a YouTube Member Love our content? Support us with a small contribution and enjoy exclusive member benefits! Join here ▋Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Never miss an episode! Subscribe to the Han-Yi Tea channel for more tea insights. Subscribe here ▋Business Inquiries Interested in collaborations? Contact us at: ▋Follow Us on Other Platforms Facebook: Han-Yi Tea Facebook Instagram: Cha.Cha.Du Instagram Official Website: Han-Yi Tea Official Website Milk Tea Enthusiasts Line Group: Join Here Support this show with a small donation: Donate here Leave a comment and share your thoughts on this episode: Comment here Powered by Firstory Hosting

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