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Costa's Audio Book: Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote" Volume 1 Chapter 51 讀你聽2.0《唐吉訶德》

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Costa's Audio Book: Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote" Volume 1 Chapter 51 讀你聽2.0《唐吉訶德》

11 Juni 2024

Leave a comment and share your thoughts: Welcome to CAB - Costa's Audio Book 歡迎收聽《讀你聽2.0》 Presenting Miguel de Cervantes' epic novel Translated by John Ormsby 曠世長篇《唐吉訶德》 描寫唐吉訶德自封騎士 沉迷遊俠浪漫 嘲諷十七世紀西班牙 騎士精神末落 反思當世迂腐 扭曲英雄主義 作者敘事手法超越時代  翻譯超過五十種語言 堪稱經典 Chapter 51 牧羊人揭露悲慘過去 夢中情人被騙子偏財 落得身敗名裂 被父親送往修道院療情傷 牧羊人和Anselmo和衆多傾慕者只好流落山脈中 相濡以沫 互訴相思之情 無奈此刻夢中情人聽不見 Jessie's Vocabulary Tues to Thurs : Dracula, Don Quixote Up coming: The Metamorphosis, 1984, The Count of Monte Cristo Collection: The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, Dickens Costa + Jessie co host with musical score CAB is as simple as it gets 《讀你聽》就係咁簡單 Remember to CLSS Our channel needs your support :) Podcast:讀你聽2-0/id1710124458 Powered by Firstory Hosting



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