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Navigating Revenue and Funnel Maths in Asian Markets: Insights from Bluesheets' Revenue Maestro

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Navigating Revenue and Funnel Maths in Asian Markets: Insights from Bluesheets' Revenue Maestro

23 Oktober 2024

Struggling to set the right sales rep quotas? What about allocating quarterly budgets effectively among account executives, marketing, and SDRs? Discover how scaling companies can approach revenue math tailored for Asian markets and how strategies evolve with business growth stages. In this episode, we will talk to Yee Huang, who leads the revenue organization at Bluesheets, a fast-growing AI company that raised their Series A during a global funding winter. Drawing from a customer success background, Yee is passionate about cross-functional collaboration and is focused on building a winning revenue team at Bluesheets, including building a sales team from the ground up. Key episode moments: - Competitive sales strategies for an unbeatable sales moat - Shifting to data-driven marketing and boosting ROI - Moving from founder-led sales to structured sales leadership - Aligning data management for strategic decision-making - Tackling market challenges and the future landscape of sales leadership Thank you for tuning into Asia Growth Forecast! Don’t forget to hit subscribe and follow us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify (so you never miss an episode)! If you love this show, please leave us a 5-Star Review and share your favorite episodes with friends.


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