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215 - Advise And Resent (w/ Corey Parker)

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215 - Advise And Resent (w/ Corey Parker)

15 Februari 2024

This week on Just Jack & Will, it’s all blind dates and bad advice as Sean & Eric review 215, “Advise And Resent.” They discuss Eric’s raccoon haunting, piccolo bread flutes, Scottish brogues, and losing your whistle. Then, they welcome Corey Parker, who played the first recurring partner on Will & Grace, to talk about Josh’s motivations and explosions. Got skirt? Have a question about Will & Grace, especially Season 2? We want to hear them! Email us at, call or text to 818-308-4012, maybe the guys will answer your question on the show! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free episodes.


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