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Kancing Sang Nenek

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Kancing Sang Nenek

15 Maret 2024

"Kancing Sang Nenek" is a collection of 52 short stories that really make you think. Each one's packed with life lessons and business smarts, written with a keen eye for detail and a real understanding of people. One story that really sticks out is "Kancing Sang Nenek" itself. It's about this grandma searching high and low for a lost button. She's out in the bright place, but turns out, the button lost in the dark room. It's a reminder that sometimes we're looking for answers in all the wrong places, missing what's right in front of us. Then there's "Icarus Deception," which takes the old Greek myth and gives it a modern spin. It's all about being too ambitious and not knowing our limits. A real wake-up call for anyone in business, reminding us to keep our feet on the ground. Basically, "Kancing Sang Nenek" isn't just a book of stories – it's like a manual for life and business. Every story is a nugget of wisdom, waiting for you to uncover it.


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