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Teaching in the Post-Covid Classroom

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Teaching in the Post-Covid Classroom

23 Februari 2024

"Teaching in the Post-Covid Classroom" by Grace Stevens is a practical guide for educators navigating the challenges of teaching in the wake of the pandemic. Stevens emphasizes the importance of mindset, urging teachers to adopt a flexible and resilient approach to the ever-changing educational landscape. She highlights the significance of prioritizing connection over curriculum, arguing that fostering strong relationships with students is key to effective teaching in both physical and virtual classrooms. One of the book's central themes is the importance of mindset. Stevens encourages teachers to embrace a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and development. She stresses the need for self-care and mindfulness practices to help educators stay grounded and focused. The emphasis on connection over curriculum is another key aspect of the book. Stevens argues that while academic content is important, the relationships teachers build with their students are the foundation of a successful learning experience. She provides strategies for building rapport, understanding students' needs, and creating a sense of belonging in the classroom. In a part of the book, Stevens offers practical tips for implementing the 7Cs in everyday teaching: Calm, Consistent, Consequences, Connection, Collaboration, Communication, and Cheerfulness. She provides examples and case studies to illustrate how these principles can be applied in different teaching scenarios, including classroom, distance, and blended learning. By adopting these strategies, teachers can navigate the post-Covid educational landscape with confidence and create a nurturing and effective learning environment for their students.


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